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Friday, December 21, 2018

Destroying Their Own

The news yesterday made a big deal out of comments from a short seller of Twitter that called the social media site a breeding ground for racism, misogyny and homophobia.  The stock was down 11% in yesterday's trading.  It's amazing to watch the left kill one of their own.

I am often on Twitter.  There's no question that there a lot of hatred there.  There's also no question that most of that hate is spewed towards President Trump, the GOP and conservatives.  Indeed, Twitter itself manifests a clear bias against conservative/Republican/Trump people.  Twitter has shadow banned many; that's a process by which Twitter restricts the tweets of these people to be visible only to those who are followers of the authors.  A search for a particular subject matter or key word will not show results from those who are shadow banned.  Twitter denies doing this, but there's too much proof of it to believe the denials.  Then there's Twitter's policy against abusive tweets.  Tweets that call on President Trump to kill himself are not disturbed.  Tweets that point out hypocrisy by some on the left are erased.  Tweets that attack conservatives flourish while those that attack liberals are erased.  More and more, Twitter has become a hostile place for any conservative.

It's funny that Twitter is now taking a major hit because a guy with a clear financial incentive to see the stock go down says that it foments racist, misogynist and homophobic comments.  It's the use of the left's catch phrases against itself, and it seems to have worked.

Look, don't get me wrong.  I would never invest in Twitter.  It's a social media platform without a recognizable method to monetize its daily existence.  Sure, there are ads on the platform, but they can't be very profitable.  One day, we had to see Twitter's stock price collapse.  Indeed, I doubt that Twitter can survive as currently structured.  Still, it's fun to see the usual charges of racism, etc. used against one of the main purveyors of that stuff.

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