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Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Inaugural Committee -- What A Joke!

According to the Wall Street Journal, prosecutors in New York are looking into the funds raised by the Inaugural Committee for President Trump to see if donors gave contributions in order to get better access to administration personnel and also to see if the money was all properly spent.  If the Russia investigation by the Special Counsel is a witch hunt, then this is a witch hunt on steroids.

Let's be clear.  The Inaugural Committee is a registered non-profit organization.  In 2016, there was one major registered non-profit that was clearly selling influence and access.  It was called the Clinton Foundation.  No one in New York seems to be investigating that outfit and the crooks who ran it.  Beyond that, let's also remember this:  people or companies who gave hundreds of thousands of dollars or even a million dollars certainly hoped that they would get better access in the Trump Administration.  It's the age old way that politics in the USA works.  But the point is that there's no reason to believe that anyone got better treatment in exchange for the contributions.  For example, the second biggest donor to the Inaugural was AT&T.  Despite the huge contribution, the Trump administration has fought AT&T tooth and nail to try to stop its purchase of Time Warner.  That battle is still continuing in the appellate courts.  The biggest donor was Sheldon Adelson who is the principal owner of Las Vegas Sands corporation.  There is no indication that Adelson got anything in return.  In fact, the WSJ is quick to point out that no donors are being accused or even suspected of doing anything wrong.

So think about it.  The donors to the Trump Inaugural haven't done anything wrong, but the committee is being investigated anyway.  Why.  The answer is because it involves President Trump.

Then there's the issue of how the money was spent.  We don't know how.  The committee filed all the public disclosure forms that were required, so we know the five largest vendors.  That's all.  There's no hint that the Inaugural Committee used any of the money raised for the Trumps' personal expenses.  Again, that's what the Clintons did with the Clinton Foundation.  Bill and Hillary charge the Clinton Foundation with over eight million dollars in travel expenses for just one year, and it's supposedly all for Foundation business.  Of course, Hillary was busy running for president at the time and Bill was helping in that effort.  There's no way in hell that those two spent eight million in travel for the foundation business, but again, no one seems to be investigating.

The reason for the investigation here, according to the WSJ is that when Michael Cohen's home was raided, the FBI found a recording of a conversation he had at some unknown point with the woman who was the head of the Inaugural Committee.  She was telling Cohen that she had concerns about some of the expenditures (although we don't know which ones.)  So there she is; she's checking with a lawyer about some expenditures that concerned her.  Isn't that what you would want her to do?  How does that lead to an investigation?

This is all such a joke.

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