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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

They've Truly Lost Their Minds

Ever hear of Nimesh Patel?  Yeh, me neither.  He's a former writer for SNL who is now doing stand up comedy.

Here's a joke that Patel told to a college audience at Columbia in New York City.

Patel was talking about a gay black man who lives in his neighborhood, and he said this:  "being gay cannot be a choice because no one looks in the mirror and thinks, 'This black thing is too easy; let me just add another thing to it.’”

As a result of this joke, the organizers of the comedy festival at Columbia stopped the performance and booted Patel off the stage as "hateful".  Really, they did.
This is a clear indication that college fascism has just gone too far.  They're so busy censoring everything possible in the name of diversity and multiculturalism that they don't even recognize humor.  I mean, Patel's joke isn't even slightly offensive unless you decide that any mention of race or sexual orientation is by its very nature offensive.  
I guess a better way to say this is that it seems that many college students have truly lost their minds. 

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