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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Explain This

Tonight, the House passed a bill funding the government and including a little over 5 billion for border security.  To be clear, that's 5 billion out of more than 4 trillion that the government will spend this year.  It's about on tenth of one percent of all spending.  The Senate had passed a funding measure without the border security funds yesterday, but today, the President told the House leadership that he would not sign any funding bill without adequate border security funding.  As a result, the House passed a this funding measure by a large margin.

All of this seems pretty straightforward.  Nevertheless, Chuck Schumer, the Dem leader in the Senate says this is President Trump throwing a temper tantrum.  That's nonsense.  This is Trump insisting on provisions that would allow him to effectuate one of the main promises he made when he ran for office in 2016.

Nancy Pelosi, soon to be Speaker of the House again, said that the vote in the House was "shameful".  I guess to Pelosi, guarding the borders of this country is shameful.  It's not that she wants to have open borders; it's rather that she thinks that anyone who opposes open borders is immoral.  In other words, Pelosi has no idea what constitutes actual morality.

Hopefully, the Senate will pass some sort of funding bill that will include adequate border security.

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