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Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Promises That Won't Be Kept

It's amazing to watch the change in the Democrats who won congressional seats last November on the promise of voting against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.  We were told that there were more than enough Dems who wouldn't support Pelosi that she could not be elected Speaker.  Well, as they say, not anymore!

We now have news that Pelosi has promised to be Speaker for at most four years in exchange for the votes needed to elect her.  In other words, all those new Dems threw away their big promise even before officially being sworn in.  It's a typical Washington move from corrupt career criminals...err...I mean politicians.  There is no way that getting an unenforceable promise for a four year term limit from Pelosi is the equivalent of bringing in new leadership.  No doubt, in four years, if the Dems still are in control of the House Pelosi will heed the groundswell of support for her leadership and reluctantly agree to stay as Speaker.  In other words, if the promises to oppose Pelosi got broken so quickly, the promise by Pelosi to leave in four years doesn't carry much weight.

I don't care whether or not Pelosi is Speaker.  Her position is not the point.  I only care that so many Democrats got elected by lying to the voters again and again.

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