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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bloomberg Finally Gets Here and Then Goes

Yesterday was the big day for Mike Bloomberg.  For the first time, he competed in the primaries.  He won in American Samoa.  Now, after spending close to $700 million dollars, Bloomberg has dropped out.  That was quick.

There are a few things that we ought to point out about Mike Bloomberg.

1.  He's a former mayor of New York City.  Those folks never do well running for president in modern times.  Remember John Lindsay, Rudy Giuliani, and Bill DeBlasio?  They each ran and flopped big time.  Sure, DeBlasio did the worst, but none of them, including Bloomberg, did very well.

2.  In order to win a presidential election, a candidate has to have a personality.  The lack of one cost Mike Bloomberg a lot.

3.  Bloomberg had no real reason for his candidacy that most Americans cared about.  Guns and gun control don't win presidential elections.  Neither do lectures about global warming delivered by billionaires who constantly fly about on their private jets.  So what was left?  Big sugary drinks?

4.  Americans want a president with the courage to do the right thing.  They saw that harridan Elizabeth Warren attack Bloomberg for supposedly calling some women "horse-faced lesbians".  That was bad, but it was much worse to see that Mike couldn't defend himself against such a charge from the Wicked Witch of the North East.  Just imagine if Bloomberg had said, " You know that's not true, and yet you repeat it.  You have no power here.  Be gone before someone drops a house on you too!"  With that one line, Bloomberg would have destroyed Warren, showed he could defend himself  and won quite a lot of votes.  Sure, maybe he would also have alienated some, but they would be votes he wouldn't be likely to get anyway.

One last thing -- not really about Mike but more about the idea of Mike Bloomberg.  It is incredibly satisfying to see that despite spending all that cash, Bloomberg couldn't buy the election.  It's the continuation of a trend.  In 2016, Hillary outspent Trump by almost 4 to 1.  She lost.  This year, Bloomberg outspent all the other candidates combined by at least 2 to 1, he too lost.  Despite the BS that Bernie and Warren push, it's not the billionaires who control this country; it's the people.

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