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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Disbar Chuck Schumer

Senator Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.  This afternoon, he threatened two Supreme Court Justices by name with violence if they rule the "wrong way" on the abortion case that was argued today before SCOTUS.  Schumer said,

“I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won't know what hit you"

Schumer should be disbarred.  His law license should be removed.  It is completely unacceptable to threaten a judge in this way.  It may be a crime, but I'll leave it to others to discuss that.  It may be the basis for Schumer to be expelled from the Senate, but again, that is for others to determine.  And given that Schumer is the leader of the Senate Dems, it is highly unlikely that the Senate would ever be able to act against him.  There is no doubt, however, that what Schumer said and did today is a major breach of his obligations as a lawyer.

I know that the New York legal authorities won't disbar Schumer.  That doesn't provide a justification for this, however.  Schumer just hit a new low for him, and that means it's really, really low.

UPDATE:  Since Schumer issued his threats against the justices, Chief Justice Roberts released a statement calling Schumer's remarks "inappropriate and dangerous".  Good.  the Chief Justice ought to step forward when a political thug like Schumer starts threatening federal judges of any level.  Schumer can criticize any judge.  He can criticize any decision.  That's his right.  He cannot, however, threaten the judges with violence if they don't rule the way he wants.  

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