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Monday, March 23, 2020

Where is Old Joe?

Last night the Democrats in the Senate blocked the corona virus relief bill that would send money to every American to survive the current mess, send huge sums to hospitals to treat the victims and provide protective clothing and masks for doctors and nurses, save small businesses across the country so that jobs will still be there once this epidemic subsides and much more.  The Democrats are playing politics with the lives of millions of Americas.  It's disgusting.

But here's another important question:  WHERE IS JOE BIDEN?

Old Joe is the presumptive nominee of the Democrats for president.  For the last week, I don't remember his saying anything about how we should deal with the virus.  He's just sitting in Delaware while the Dems in DC block relief for the average Americans and he's saying nothing.

Biden is the leader of the Democrats.  They're telling us he should be president.  Shouldn't he be trying to LEAD?  Shouldn't Biden be bringing the Dems together with the Republicans so the people can be helped?  Has hiding become the new Democrat version of being presidential?

About a week ago, Biden told us that starting today he would hold a daily briefing on the virus just like President Trump.  The first one was announced for this 11 am this morning.  Then it didn't happen. 

Let's be clear.  Joe Biden needs to get the Dems in DC to act properly.  How could he ever expect Americans to vote for him if he can't even get his own party members to let legislation that is desperately needed by millions come to a vote in the Senate.  Is Old Joe so ineffectual that all he can do is sit at home and hide?

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