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Monday, March 2, 2020

Just A Memory

I don't know if the license plates from Quebec still say "Je me souviens" or not.  They used to some years back.  I was told that the French phrase translates roughly into "I remember".

I mention this because of recent developments among Democrats.  The party elites seem to think that no one in America remembers anything.  As a result, Tom Steyer, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg have all dropped out of the presidential race and Amy and Pete are endorsing Joe Biden for president.  But here are just a few things that most Americans will remember:

1.  A corrupt Ukrainian billionaire with close ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russians had his natural gas company Burisma hire Joe Biden's son Hunter to sit on the board of directors.  Hunter had no experience with drilling for, buying or selling natural gas and he didn't even speak Ukrainian.  Nevertheless, Burisma gave Hunter Biden a director's salary more than twice as high as the directors' salaries paid by huge oil companies like Exxon Mobil.  Biden got over $1 million per year for a part time job that required him to do nothing.  And just coincidentally, within six weeks of Hunter getting this sweetheart job, his father Joe Biden threatened to cut off all aid to Ukraine unless it fired the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for the Ukrainian government.  Old Joe Biden actually did employ a quid pro quo to force Ukraine to stop investigating his son's employer.

2.  While we're on the subject of Hunter Biden, remember that Old Joe took Hunter with him to China on Air Force two.  While there with his dad, Hunter managed to get an investment of 1.5 billion dollars for Hunter's investment firm directly from the Chinese government.  No other western firm of any sort got a similar investment.  Hunter had no particular expertise; the Chinese were just buying favor with Old Joe.

3.  Old Joe Biden has a history of making racist, sexist and other inappropriate comments.  Over the years he's said things like that Seven-Eleven only hires Indians.  He's told whoppers of all sorts; most recently he claimed to have been arrested with Nelson Mandela in South Africa.  That was just a blatant lie.

4.  Old Joe can't seem to remember where he is, who he is talking to, what his positions are on a particular issue, or even what day it is.  He speaks in half sentences, so his train of thought is nearly impossible to follow.  He should be the poster child for Alzheimer's disease.

5.  Old Joe is a typical Washington insider and an old white male to boot.  He's exactly the sort of person that the Democrats tell us they do not want to empower.  None of the Democrats have explained why he would make an appropriate president given that he seems to be the opposite of what "intersectionality" calls for.

6.  Biden is a terrible debaters.  Trump will destroy Biden in a debate.

Why are the Democrats forgetting all this?  Are they that afraid of Bernie Sanders?

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