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Friday, March 6, 2020

The Atlantic Figures It Out -- Democrats Penalized Warren For Her Competence

There are delusions, there are also big DELUSIONS and then there are the sort of delusions that can only be pushed by a true believer leftist who just "knows" the truth.  This last type is on display in The Atlantic in an article that "explains" why senator Warren was unsuccessful in her bid for the Democrat nomination for president.  According to the article, she was just too damn competent.  Primary voters couldn't stand seeing a woman who so clearly knew what she was doing.

This has to be the funniest explanation for failure in many years; Warren was too successful and smart to succeed with the Democrat voters.  I guess the obvious corollary is that Democrat voters stick with failure; that must be why Biden has done well of late.

Here's a quote about Warren from the article:   

When I hear her talk, I want to slap her, even when I agree with her.”

To me that sounds like a comment on Warren's personality, not her competence, but what do I know.  I'm not a Democrat primary voter.

For the last four years, we've heard from the Democrats and much of the media that the people who support the Republicans and the President are rubes, anti-intellectual, and deplorables who don't have the education or intelligence to understand why non-existent or failed Democrat policies are just better than successful Republican ones.  The left just "knew" it was better than the rest of us.  Now we're hearing that the Democrats are also rubes, anti-intellectual morons who can't stand the idea of a competent candidate actually being president.  The strident left is sure it is superior and it "knows" that because everyone else -- Democrat or Republican -- is human garbage who can't stand a competent candidate.

Now that is truly the mother of all delusions.

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