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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Unrivaled Idiocy At Work -- Fracking Edition

I just got an "update" report from my state representative, a guy named Stephen Meskers.  It was only two pages long, but those two pages were crammed with things that make clear why it is that Connecticut is in trouble.

Meskers started by pointing to his wonderful environmental record.  He proudly announced that he supported a bill that banned "fracking" in the state.  Fracking is a process that enables the extraction of oil and natural gas from shale.  Its introduction across America has led this country to regaining the position of the world's biggest producer of oil and gas.  We are no longer dependent on middle eastern countries to supply us.  We are a net exporter.

It's important to understand that there are absolutely no oil or gas deposits of any sort in Connecticut.  The bill Meskers mentions is nothing but virtue signaling by the CT Democrats.  Supposedly, stopping fracking will stop climate change (although that makes no sense.)

But consider what the introduction of fracking has done.

1.  It has created over 1 million jobs across America.
2.  It has moved the price of natural gas down from more than $5 to less than $2.  If, like most of us, you heat your house with natural gas, just think what you saved this winter due to the lower price for natural gas.  Since most electric plants now also use the abundant natural gas, just think how much your electric bill is lower due to fracking.
3.  Fracking has also greatly lowered gasoline prices.  How much more would you spend at the gas pump if fracking were actually banned nationwide?

And now let's consider global warming.  The Democrats don't call for the ban on the importation of gas or oil.  Cars would still burn gasoline for the most part.  Homes heated with natural gas would just use imported gas.  Well guess what?  Whatever emissions come from burning oil or gas don't change when the oil and gas are imported.

So, banning fracking does no good, but it does major harm to the average American.  Why is this moron Meskers so proud of his position?  It is unrivaled idiocy at work.

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