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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Why Must Someone Be To Blame?

There are two ways to look at the corona virus mess:  we can sit around and try to decide who is to blame for this mess and then try to punish those people or we can work together to try to get through the mess and help people to the greatest extent possible.

For some reason, much of the mainstream media seems focused on finding people to blame, while I believe that most Americans, other than the Twitter mobs, want to find a way to get through this with as little damage as possible.

First consider the media.  For the last week, there have been daily virus briefings held in the White House with the President and his team to provide current information to the American people.  Many in the media have spent time asking over and over about whether or not it is racist to call the virus "the Chinese virus".  Who cares?  The reporters tell us about a heightened risk of attacks on people of Chinese descent due to calling the virus the Chinese virus.  Of course, there haven't been any such attacks because people are smart enough to understand that the virus is the Chinese virus because it came from there.  Americans of Chinese descent had nothing to do with it.  Still we get the endless questions on this point.  The media is also big on questioning about where the tests are or where the masks are.  Even after there are tests everywhere with massive additional quantities coming in production, the media still asks where are the tests.  They're in the field, is the only appropriate answer. 

So what purpose does it serve to waste time trying to blame the government for this.  It's pure idiocy.  It's safe to say that the only time this epidemic could have been stopped was at the very beginning in China.  The Chinese authorities chose to hide details of the outbreak until it was too late to contain it.  So if the media is looking to blame someone, it rightly should be the Communist party of China.  Of course, the media would never do that because it might be called racist. 

Now Joe Biden says he is going to have a daily briefing on the virus starting next week.  That should be fun.  We will get to see an Alzheimic guy talk about what ought to be happening.  My guess is that on many days Biden will forget the name of the virus.  Who knows, he may even call it the Chinese virus (what a racist).

The truth is that fortunately for the USA, the president and his administration are focused on steps to combat the virus and the damage that is being done in this fight.  President Trump has gotten praise for his steps from people who are normally his enemies.  Democrats as anti-Trump as Andrew Coumo of NY, Gavin Newsome of California, and even Ilhan Omar of Minnesota have commended Trump for all that he has been doing.  These people understand that we need to work together to fight the virus and that Trump has been leading the charge. 

Let me put it simply.  We don't need to look for someone to blame.  The morons of the media who are wasting out time with this garbage should just shut up for once.

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