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Monday, March 30, 2020

Governor "Half" Whitmer

Last week, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a directive telling doctors in that state that they could not prescribe hydroxychloroquine off label for use fighting the corona virus.  Even though roughly 21% of all US prescriptions are "off label", Whitmer threatened doctors who prescribed this drug with the loss of their medical licenses were they found to issue such a prescription.  The governor obviously didn't care that studies in France had shown the drug to be extremely efficacious in fighting the virus.  Whitmer didn't like the fact that President Trump had touted the possibilities of this drug so she opposed its use.  That, among other things, led President Trump to dub her governor "half" Whitmer.

Well, there's some good news for the people of Michigan (and for all the rest of us as well).  The FDA has now approved the use of the drug to fight the virus.  France has also done the same.  The FDA action means that prescribing the drug to fight the virus is no longer off label.  Whitmer can't keep the people of her state from getting this potential cure if they get sick.

There is still no large scale completed testing on hydroxychloroquine and its ability to fight the virus.  The small scale tests have had good results.  There is a major test underway in New York City and there should be results in the next two weeks.  If the test shows results like the prior French studies, then we may be at the point where the virus can be beaten.  This should NOT be politicized.  Indeed, we should all pray that the results show that the drug works.

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