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Monday, March 23, 2020

The Dems Block Corona Virus Relief Package In Senate

It gets lost in the avalanche of other news, but the Democrats in the Senate just blocked the corona virus relief bill there.  Specifically, they refused to end their filibuster of that bill.  Not a single Democrat voted to go ahead to consider the bill which would provide cash to every American, protect hospital staff, prevent small business from going bankrupt and otherwise make sure that once the virus has passed the economy could get moving again.

I'm not going to say much about this.  To me it is proof that the Democrats are trying to make the virus about politics and gaining power rather than helping the American people deal with this crisis.  Sure, it's possible that some senators disagree with the content of the bill.  It's not possible, however, that every single Democrat is against the measure to the extent of blocking it from a vote.  No, that is a political calculation that they can do better in November if they block action now.

Let's make sure that the Dems never again get control of the Senate.  Indeed, every senator who voted to block this bill should be defeated when he or she next runs for office.  Don't forget what they did here.  Lives are literally on the line and the Dems went for political gain rather than helping save people. 

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