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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Primary System Falls Apart

So far today we have stories of how the Ohio polls closed at the last minute, how many polling places in Illinois were moved to avoid certain locations that might be dangerous for corona virus without telling voters, and how many polling locations in Florida just didn't open because poll workers didn't show up due to virus fears.  It's not exactly a great record. 

In Ohio, the governor and the state health commissioner decided that the election needed to be delayed.  Strangely, a local court blocked that and the governor had to step in an order the election postponed due to health and safety reasons.  What was that judge thinking?

In Illinois, it seems unforgivable that no one bothered to post signs at the old locations for polling stations that told where the new locations are.  Nearly all of the problem is in Chicago.  Most likely all the voters who don't know where they are supposed to vote will still have their ballots counted.  It is, after all, still Chicago.

In Florida, one has to wonder how all of the poll workers for particular precincts failed to show.  I get that some might stay home, but all of those for particular polls?  It makes no sense.

No matter what the outcome, this is just another cloud that will be over the results tonight.  Biden is likely to win, but if he wants to, Sanders can make quite a big deal out of this incompetence.

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