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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Super Tuesday Results Are Surprising

I have to admit that I have been surprised by the results in yesterday's Democrat primaries.  I can't believe that so many ordinary Democrats actually voted for senile old Joe Biden.  I mean if you watched Biden's victory speech, he mixed up his wife and his sister during the remarks.  (Does he think he is Ilhan Omar?)  The polling data suggests that it was late deciding Dem voters who swung behind Biden.  I guess they realized that they had no other viable choice.  Bernie is an angry old socialist who would, they were told, lead the party over a cliff McGovern style.  Bloomberg is another old guy who happens to have limitless cash but not much else to recommend him.  He generates the excitement of a prune.  Elizabeth Warren is, well.....Elizabeth Warren.  She is very much an acquired taste for just a few true believers.  She was humiliated by coming in third in her own state of Massachusetts.  Of course, since Warren knows that she is God's gift to the USA (if she believes in God), she is not reassessing her campaign.  She's the John Kasich of 2020.  (I wonder if her father was a letter carrier.)

Anyway, back to Old Joe Biden.  He got the late deciders.  Those are people who decided in the last week.  But it was more than that.  Remember, in many of these states a majority of the vote came in the early voting.  That was prior to South Carolina, prior to the endorsements by other candidates and washed up former candidates like Beto O'Rourke (I had been hoping never to write that name again).  So, I guess one big takeaway is that this was a vote against Sanders, against a truly socialist agenda, and against the sale of the presidency to a modern day Scrooge McDuck.

The next question is how will this all play out.  We don't know the final delegate count following Super Tuesday.  It looks like Biden will have a small lead, but because of the complicated methods the Democrats use to allocate delegates, we won't know until a day or two from now what the delegate picture is.  By then, we will be on to next week's primaries.  Will Bloomberg stop throwing good money after bad?  Will someone tell Warren that it's time to go?  Will she listen?  How will the next states vote?

Biden's biggest strength seems to be in states with heavy black populations.  His problem is that there aren't too many of them left.  After Super Tuesday, it remains to be seen if Biden's success and the media hype that follows pushes non-black voters into the Biden camp.

One thing that I find extremely amazing.  All these voters seem to have forgotten just who Joe Biden is.  In the last week, there was little mention of how Biden used the power of the USA to protect his son's job with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.  Trump won't overlook that.  Similarly, no one mentioned that Hunter got a billion and a half dollars from China, even though Joe Biden said again this past week that China isn't really a competitor to the USA.  Huh?  At some point, Biden will once again (or ten times again) slip up and say something or do something that reveals his advancing senility that renders him unfit to be president.  Biden can't beat Trump.  Oh, to be sure, Trump could beat himself.  The President could do something that loses the election; Biden just doesn't have it in himself to generate the support to win otherwise.  

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