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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Calls for Jamie Dimon's Scalp -- err... to Resign

The world's most famous 1/32 Cherokee, Elizabeth Warren, is trying to change the subject away from her own lack of honesty. Today, she called upon the head of JP Morgan Chase Bank, Jamie Dimon, to resign because of the bad hedging trades that cost Chase a few billion dollars. So let's get this straight: Dimon's bank made some bad investments and lost a big bundle of cash that belongs to the shareholders of JP Morgan Chase. No public money was involved. Chase got nothing from the government, and its failed hedging strategy had no effect on the taxpayers. It seems to me, that the decision as to whether or not Dimon should resign is one that ought to be made by the board of directors of the bank or by its shareholders. Cherokee Liz should have no involvement whatsoever in the decision. On the other hand, Warren allegedly used her status as a "woman of color" to get minority status and an advantage in obtaining jobs at both the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. Warren took advantage of public statutes and policies that were meant to help actual minorities. If, as it now appears, there is no substantiation whatsoever for Warren's claim to be native American, one wonders if she committed a crime. Should the public be calling upon her to resign from the Harvard faculty and to leave the race for the senate?

The sad thing is that after three weeks of nonsense, Warren has still refused to make public her employment records at either Penn or Harvard. She tells us over and over that she never mentioned her status as a "woman of color" (by the way, is white a color?) while seeking employment at Penn and Harvard, but she refuses to let anyone see her employment records. It would be really simple to just let the records speak for themselves. Instead, Cherokee Liz just tells us the "truth". If Nancy Pelosi were here, she would probably tell us that we have to elect Warren to find out what is in her employment records.

The people of Massachusetts should not let Cherokee Liz off the hook. She has to open up her records to review. My guess is that the employment records would take about three minutes to review. They either mention the claim to minority status or they do not. Such a review would most likely put an end to the entire matter. Instead of going on the warpath against Jamie Dimon, Cherokee Liz should just tell the truth.

1 comment:

fastcarken said...

JP Morgan/Chase pays it's taxes on profits, HERE in the U.S.
On the other hand, why doe she & the dems let Jeffrey Immelt & G.E. take more & more jobs overseas & pay virtually no U.S. Taxes.
Other note: WHERE IS THE FIGHT on the underground economy, CASH REAL GREEN INCOME & NO TAXES?
OH, I am sorry, too many people in the U.S. support this by paying their purchases GREEN cash to derive discounts etc.
Sorry for the RANT, She really pisses me OFF!!!