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Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama, the Social Issues Candidate

It seems really odd that president Obama and his campaign is busy promoting social issues in the campaign. We have the gay marriage issue, the War on Women (or as they now call it the "reproductive rights issue"), the War on Blacks discerned by Al Sharpton, the War on all minorities, the "unless you are an old white male, we are going to enslave you" claims about the GOP from the DNC talking heads cadre, and the like. Actually, it reminds me of the old slogan from a local news radio station "all news, all the time". For the Obamacrats, however, the slogan is "all distractions, all the time."

The amazing thing to me is that Obama is running his campaign against Rick Santorum. Senator Santorum would have been happy to engage in discussion of social issues that he felt were extremely important. Romney, however, is running on the economy and who can best fix it. Romney has had little to say about social issues, particularly some of the more bizarre claims thrown out there by the Obamacrats. It is bizarre to think that Romney or any other Republican would come out for restrictions on "reproductive rights." No one has advocated reducing access to birth control. No one will do so. Independents will clearly understand that the reproductive rights issue is not a real issue at all. There is nothing to be decided here. No one is going to vote for Obama because she fears that her birth control pills will be taken away by Romney. Similarly, no one is going to vote for Obama because of Romney's "war on blacks".

I have a suggestion for the Obama campaign. Try spreading word that Romney has made a pact with aliens from the planet Znarf who are coming to earth to eat all those who disagree with GOP policies. It will have about as much chance of success as the current Obamacrat campaign theme.

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