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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Falling Into The Media Trap

The battle for the GOP nomination is getting closer.  Ted Cruz has pulled to within 200 delegate votes of Donald Trump after completing a sweep of the Colorado delegation yesterday.  It still seems more likely than not that Trump will get the nomination, but there is a significant doubt about that.  Indeed, Trump must win on the first ballot in Cleveland, or his chances for the nomination decline precipitously.  There are many delegates who must vote for Trump on the first ballot who become free agents on the second or third ballot and who do NOT want Trump as the nominee.  Indeed, more and more of these first ballot only Trump delegates are being selected in states around the country.

So what is the response of the mainstream media to this?  There's a new storyline that is being pushed by the MSM.  We are told that Republican voters are feeling disenfranchised because their votes won't count after the first ballot at the convention.  Really?  The system is functioning exactly in the manner in which it is supposed to function.  Remember, we only see a second or a third ballot if no one wins on the first ballot.  In other words, if the results of the primaries and caucuses have to remain in place after the first ballot, no one will ever get the necessary majority to be nominated.  Anyone who thinks about this, understands this.  The mainstream media, however, wants to promote unhappiness among the GOP voters so that they will stay home in November and allow Hillary to win.

But here's another question.  Where are the stories about the Democrat voters who feel disenfranchised because their votes won't even count on the first ballot at the Democrat convention.  Bernie Sanders is pulling in state after state while Hillary's campaign is faltering.  Nevertheless, because the rules are rigged to favor Hillary, she continues to have a huge lead over Sanders.  The undemocratic "superdelegates" are just a ploy to let the party bosses pick the nominee instead of the voters, and that is exactly what is happening.  So where are the stories in the New York Times about the outrage among Democrats?  Why is that story buried?  It's just another example of bias in the media. 

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