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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Let's Look at "Common Sense" Gun Laws

The world of the liberal gun control lobby is built around a few choice phrases.  Perhaps the most common is "common sense gun laws".  Those who want to restrict gun rights never talk about specific proposals; it's always "common sense gun laws" that are at issue.  In that way, those who restricting gun rights are always on the side of common sense.  Those who oppose these measures must lack common sense.

But is that true?  Are gun control measures really "common sense"?  Let's take a look.

The junior senator from Connecticut, Chris Murphy, is a constant source of tweets about gun limitations.  In that way, not only can Murphy talk about "common sense" laws, but he can do it in 140 characters, a methodology which clearly prevents any real discussion of the issue.  Just the other day, Murphy tweeted a note to congratulate people who came to DC from Newtown to support gun restrictions in schools.  But think about that for a moment.  Newtown was the site of a terrible massacre of children and teachers at an elementary school.  Would that crime have been prevented by strict laws prohibiting guns in elementary schools (or all schools for that matter)?  The simple answer is NO.  The killer at Newtown was not a student at the school.  The killer was not supposed to be in the school.  If there were a law that barred all guns from elementary schools, nothing would have changed.  The killer would still have improperly entered the school and begun shooting.  But there's more.  Connecticut has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.  It's not easy to buy or carry a gun here, and yet we still had this terrible massacre.  And the guns used in the Newtown massacre were all obtained legally.  That's right, the guns used to kill all those children were purchased in accordance with the strict Connecticut "common sense" gun laws.  The shooter simply took the guns belonging to his mother and used them to murder the innocent.  What all this means is that none of the supposed "common sense" gun laws made any difference in Newtown.

Of course, Newtown is not the only mass shooting of the last few years.  Let's look at another.  How about the San Bernardino terror attack?  That led to 14 deaths and many more wounded.  Once again, it took place in a state, California, with extremely strict gun laws.  Once again, the weapons used were obtained in full compliance with the law.  The terrorists simply had someone else buy the guns for them.  Those "common sense" gun laws made no difference in California.

The truth is that the only common sense when it comes to gun laws is this:  the criminals who use guns do not care if their guns are obtained legally or not.  All the "common sense" gun laws pushed by the liberals won't stop criminal actions.  All they will do is disarm the potential victims.

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