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Saturday, April 30, 2016

The White House Correspondents' Dinner

Tonight is the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner.  It's the night that the Washington press corps puts on formal clothes and gathers for dinner at a swanky hotel in DC so that they can listen to political and media bigwigs insult each other in comedy routines.  Given the fact that the DC reporters tend to ignore so many things during the year, the dinner is the one time that they can laugh about all sorts of things that no one spoke about all year long.

Here are a list of some of the best jokes expected tonight:

1.  Did you hear the one about the two pregnant women who got Zika virus and gave birth to children with birth defects?  No?  Apparently Congress didn't either.

2.  Did you hear about the time Hillary started a sentence with the word "Honestly"?  Bill fainted on the spot.

3.  And last year while getting ready for the election, Hillary and Bill decided to pay their employees less.  They wanted to have some experience with the poor.

4.  Then there's news that Donald Trump is renaming Mar-a-lago in Florida.  When he bought the place, the seller told him that the name was Latin for "I'm the best" and he just found out that's not what it means.

5.  Maybe they will tell some Russian jokes too.  There's one going around the Kremlin right now; here it is:  Did you hear about the time Barack Obama threatened president Putin?  (That's the whole joke.  In Moscow, they think it is hysterical.)

6.  In high school, Ted Cruz was voted "most likely to secede".

7  I was going to tell a joke about John Kasich, but why bother.

8.  And then there's the biggest joke of all:  Barack Obama.

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