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Saturday, April 16, 2016

What Will Obama Tell The Families of the Fallen?

President Obama is pushing ahead with a plan to bring 1500 Syrian "refugees" into the USA each month, or so says a report in The Hill.  It's a crazy plan.  Sure, most of these people are fleeing from the war in their homeland.  Some may even be fleeing from persecution, although that is not the case for most.  They are not the issue.  The problem is the others, the small minority who are ISIS terrorists seeking to gain access to America through the refugee process.  The federal government has already confirmed that it is unable to determine exactly who is a terrorist and who is not.  That means that if 1% of those who enter this country are terrorists, then we are bringing in 15 people each month who want to kill and destroy average Americans.  Is that too high to accept?  Okay, let's make it just a fifth of a percent, or one person out of every 500 who is a terrorist.  That means that in the next six months, Obama will bring in just under 20 terrorists. 

Remember, San Bernardino was the work of two terrorists.  Paris was the work of eight terrorists.  In six months, Obama will have given entry into the USA for people who may carry out two Paris style attacks and two San Bernardino style attacks.  That would leave 300 dead Americans.

What will Obama tell the families of those who die in the attacks?  Knowing Obama, he will announce that there will be an investigation into what happened, an investigation that will never get completed until years after Obama has left office.  Then Obama will head off to play golf.

It simply does not make sense to bring people into this country is we cannot determine for certain that they are not terrorists.  Would you let your children eat candy if you knew that one piece in one thousand was poison?  Would you drive a car if you knew that one in five hundred of that model had breaks that failed catastrophically?  I don't think any rational person would do that.

There is no need to bring the refugees here.  We can easily help provide for them in Syria.  We can support safe zones in that country that can house the refugees so that they escape from ISIS to safety.  There is no justification that Obama or the Obamacrats can offer that explains why America should put its citizens at risk of death. 

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