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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Iran Protests Break Out

Once again, the power of President Trump's twitter account has forced the mainstream media to cover more of a story.  This time, the story is perhaps the biggest news in the world at present:  the ongoing massive protests in Iran.  Yesterday, over 300,000 people marched in Teheran demanding a new government, indeed, a new non-theocratic government.  There were marches in dozens of cities across Iran.  Government forces attacked some of the protesters and there were a number of people killed.  That is a story that should be earthshaking news on every network and in every paper.  Somehow, the mainstream media kept the lid on the story.  There was only a trickle of news and much of it was to report the propaganda statements of the mullahs.  Then the President started tweeting.  He supported the protesters.  Then various administration officials started supporting the protesters.  Finally, the old Obamacrat foreign policy team which chose to ignore the last round of street protests in Iran in 2009 surfaced to denounce President Trump's tweets.  That guru of disastrous foreign policy John Kerry told America that we should all be quiet and leave this to the Iranians to sort out.  Other luminaries of the Obama years like Ben Rhodes who confused foreign policy with public relations also said that silence was needed.  Quite properly, President Trump ignored them.

Here is the President's latest tweet from this morning:

The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.” The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!

There's no way the media can now ignore the story.  If nothing else, they have to report the news so that they can also report (and support) the criticism of the Obamacrats of the President's response to events in Iran.  But here's the key:  not only is the President announcing US support for the protesters' right to be heard, but also some Democrats are coming forward to join that view.  These Democrats who stayed silent in 2009 to support the foolish policy choice made by Obama and his (lack of a) braintrust, are now free to voice common sense.  America needs to voice its support for the protesters.  America needs to broadcast events in Iran on the Voice of America in Farsi so that those who are cut off in Iran get the news of what is transpiring.

The simple truth is that the greatest positive for peace in the world today would be the fall of the Iranian regime.  That is up to the Iranian people, but the USA should do what it can to help move them in the right direction.  The protesters need to know that the outside world supports them.  Thank God that we have a President who understands this.

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