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Friday, January 26, 2018

The Truth Will Set You Free

It's time to tell the truth about immigration, especially illegal immigration and even more particularly those brought here illegally as children, the DACA crowd.  It may fly in the face of the commonly accepted wisdom, but the proof is now in:  the Democrats don't care one bit about the DACA group.

Consider this:
1.  When the Democrats had total control of Washington during the early Obama years, they promised to pass immigration reform that would protect the DACA group.  Instead, they didn't even bother to vote on the issue.  This is a Democrats only point; the GOP didn't have enough members of the House or Senate to have prevented Democrats from passing such a bill.  The Democrats chose inaction.

2.  Ten days ago, the Democrats announced that they would never vote to fund the government unless and until there was a law passed to protect the DACA group.  In the House, the Democrats all voted against government funding, but the Republicans had enough votes to pass the funding measure.  In the Senate, the Democrats filibustered the government funding and shut down the government.  People like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin announced that they were on a mission to protect the DACA group and would not stop until they achieved their goal.  Then, after two days of shutdown, as the polling came in and showed many Americans did not support that effort by the Democrats, Schumer and his fellow Democrat senators abandoned the DACA group.  They voted to reopen the government and got nothing in exchange.  An ignoramus like former national Democrat chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz even said that what the Democrats achieved was "the potential for momentum."  That's just a politician's way of saying that they achieved NOTHING. When the going got tough, the Democrats threw the DACA group under the bus faster than you can say Nancy Pelosi.

3.  In the last 24 hours, the White House presented its outline for a DACA deal.  One aspect of the deal is President Trump's position that all those who were brought here illegally as children would not only be able to stay but would also have a path to citizenship.  That's 1.8 million people in the DACA group who would be protected.  One would think that the Democrats would be ecstatic.  They're not even happy; the Dems are angry at the proposal.  Chuck Schumer has announced that the White House position is dead on arrival.  Other Democrats have denounced the White House offer as some form of white supremacist move.  Get that?  President Trump offers ALL of the DACA group a path to citizenship, but the Democrats reject the offer.  Once again, the Democrats make clear that they don't really care about the DACA group.  Schumer and his party are ready to watch the DACA group get deported rather than accept a reasonable offer from President Trump.

If the goal of the Democrats really were to protect the DACA group, they would accept Trump's proposal that clearly achieves that goal.  The reality, however, is that the Democrats goal is actually to have an issue for the November elections which they can use to try to portray Trump and the Republicans a mean and uncaring as well as racist.  The Dems don't want the DACA group protected; they just want to use them as props in some sort of electoral theatrics.

It would be nice if America were to realize the charade in which the Democrats are engaged.  Restoring truth to government would go a long way towards remedying the mess that the Democrats have made.

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