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Thursday, January 25, 2018

What the President Discussed Doing Last June -- OH MY!!

According to the New York Times, eight months ago President Trump discussed with the White House counsel that he wanted to have Robert Mueller fired.  The same report says that the White House counsel talked President Trump out of doing that.  After that report came out, the media has gone crazy with the story.  Tonight, I periodically checked both MSNBC and CNN, and each time I looked, this was the story they were covering.

Think what this means.  It seems pretty clear that the media is getting worried that the recent revelations of bias in the investigation by the FBI and the special prosecutor as well as texts that indicate actual criminal wrongdoing by the FBI agents will destroy the Mueller probe.  Something has to be done to divert attention from all of the recent revelations.  That's why a story about something that was discussed eight months ago but NEVER HAPPENED is now breaking forth across the media.

First of all, I don't even believe the story.  Who exactly is it who told the Times about what the President discussed with his lawyer?  I don't think it was Mr. Trump who leaked the news.  I also don't think that the counsel violated the confidences of his client by leaking them to the Times.  So who exactly is the source of this news?  Not surprising, the source mentioned by the Times is unidentified.  It has to be someone who wasn't even there to hear the discussions between the President and his counsel.  In other words, it has to be someone with no first hand knowledge. 

Second, why does it matter that a possible course of action was discussed but then never followed.  Mueller wasn't fired.  Mueller was even told that he might be fired. NOTHING HAPPENED.  Nevertheless, the media is treating this as real news.

So far today, there actually has been some big news.  The President is in Davos and met with some world leaders.  The text messages that the FBI said were lost and could not be retrieved were uncovered by the Inspector General after just a few days of effort.  That puts a spotlight on the lies the FBI is telling Congress.  The White House put forward its immigration plan especially with regard to the DACA people.  There's more, but that's enough.

Despite the existence of some real important news, the media is focused on this non-story about something that NEVER HAPPENED.  I really am tired of all the Fake News.

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