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Thursday, September 19, 2019

A "Whistleblower"??????

The media is all excited because supposedly there is a whistleblower from the intelligence agencies who heard President Trump make a "promise" to a foreign leader during a phone call.  According to reports, the so called whistleblower felt the need to report this promise to Congress, although he didn't do that.  Instead, he supposedly told a different official who has not passed the message on to Congress.  The media coverage has focused on Trump's supposed unreliability in the usage of classified information.

Let's stop here.  We don't know the identity of the whistleblower.  We don't know the identity of the foreign leader to whom Trump supposedly spoke.  We don't know the nature of the promise.  We have no idea if classified information was actually involved.  And to top it all off, Trump is the one person in the USA who has the absolute power to use classified information as he sees fit.  He can disclose it and thereby declassify it at any time.  So we have a shaky story based upon innuendo rather than fact, and it is about Trump supposedly doing something that he has the absolute right to do.

So why is the media having a fit?  The answer is simple:  it's another way to hit out at Trump.

It would be nice if the so called "reporters" would wait to learn at least SOME facts before they pronounce this a major story.  It just isn't ever going to happen, though, at least not with President Trump being involved.

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