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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Old Joe's Defense: "Details Don't Matter"

After days, weeks and months of Old Joe Biden flubbing lines, mangling words, making up stories of his past and just plain getting things wrong on the campaign trail, the Biden campaign is out with a new defense.  The new line is that details don't matter; America has to look at the big picture.  Biden says that the details won't matter when he, as president, makes a decision on whether or not to go to war.  Really, the guy actually said public, no less.  Let's follow that one through.  Suppose, God forbid, there's a major terrorist attack by the remnants of ISIS and Biden decides that America must retaliate.  The only thing is that Biden forgets some details like which terror group is responsible or where the leaders of that group are located.  Does he launch a war on the wrong group or at the wrong place?  And if he does, does he then tell the country that he just got a few details wrong?  Is he freaking kidding?

This has to be the lamest excuse ever heard in American politics.  If it's not the lamest, it's certainly bad enough to make it into the hall of fame for lame excuses.

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