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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Lindsey Boylan -- One of the USA's Most Important Democrats

The House Judiciary Committee passed a kind of resolution today outlining the proceedures to be followed in an investigation to determine whether or not it should proceed with considering and impeachment of President Trump.  If that sounds like weasel words, don't blame me.  That's pretty much the way the resolution reads.  It's designed to let House Democrats say that they are pursuing impeachment without actually pursuing impeachment.  Generally, the House Democrats understand that in places other than the West Side of Manhattan, Cambridge, and San Francisco, there is no clamoring for impeachment.  Indeed, impeachment is a manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Those pushing impeachment just hate Trump so much that they can't imagine not proceeding with hearings and a vote.

It is the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has forced the committee to take this vote.  The chair of the Judiciary Committe is Democrat Jerry Nadler and he happens to represent the West Side of Manhattan.  In other words, his district is way way to the left.  And to make matters worse for Nadler, he already has a primary opponent named Lindsey Boylan who is making Nadler's failure to move ahead with impeachment one of the principal issues in the campaign.  Given the nature of Nadler's district, he can't just let time pass without an investigation unless he wants to risk being upset in the primary.  Remember, primaries in NY draw a turnout of something like 15% of the eligible voters.  That means that a tiny, but motivated, minority can throw out a long-time congressman, and they can do it on a crazy issue like impeachment.  That's how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made it to Congress in 2018.  Nadler knows this, and he just won't risk losing his permanent seat in Congress over something like this.  Instead, he will push impeachment even though he knows it will hurt the Democrats across the board.

By the time we get to election day in 2020, the campaign being waged by Lindsey Boylan could actually work to return control of the House to the GOP by pushing a large number of Democrats out past the voters on the issue of impeachment.

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