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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Iran's Foreign Minister Threatens USA with "All Out War"

The Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif announced yesterday that the USA would face all out war with Iran were it to retaliate for the Iranian attack on the Saudi oil facilities.  How can that be?  Why would Iran threaten the USA?

The answer is rather simple.  Iran must have a pretty good idea that President Trump is not about to launch a retaliatory attack.  That makes is an easy choice to threaten all out war if there is an attack.  Iran can crow about how it faced down the "Great Satan" with little risk since Iran already thinks it knows the outcome.

The real question though is what will it take for the President to order retaliation?  And when that happens, how big will the counter strike be?  Hopefully, this won't be a small blow when it happens.  (Of course, it would be best if the Iranians stopped their provocations, but seriously, that's unlikely.)

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