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Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Perils of Warren

Jonathon Trugman, writing in the NY Post, make a compelling point about Democrat Elizabeth Warren.  In just the last ten days, Warren has advocated breaking up the big tech companies and the big banks in the USA.  Trugman points out that the USA leads the world in banking and finance as well as in high tech.  Literally many millions of high paying jobs depend on those industries.  Destroying the companies that constitute a big part of those industries will cause the loss of many of those jobs and will batter the economy in major ways.  Trugman doesn't mention it, but if you add in Warren's hugely expensive plans for healthcare (which will end the private insurance market and all the insurance companies in that market), you have a recipe for a long term depression in the US economy.  We may get equality, but it will be the equality of poverty.

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