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Sunday, September 15, 2019

More Kavanaugh -- Really?

The New York Times is out with a new attack on Justice Kavanaugh.  It's another claim of supposed sexual misconduct during college.  It's also a rather poor joke.

Think about it.  When there were all sorts of claims of this sort during the confirmation hearings, the new story got no traction.  According to the Times, a man (who happened to be one of Bill Clinton's lawyers) came forward to tell this tale to the FBI and to two senators.  He says no investigation was done of it (although one wonders how he would know that.)  Remember, you can fault the FBI, but two Democrat senators would be very unlikely to leave this allegation untouched (no pun intended).  Now he's back in the public eye with this claim through the Times.

During the confirmation hearings, there was a reason for all the stories.  Even though some were obviously false, they merited consideration because Kavanaugh was up for a seat on the Supreme Court.  He needed 50% of the senate to win; he got that and more.  Now he's on the Court.  It would take 67% of the Senate to remove him.  There's no way that's going to happen.  So now, the story is just another attack on the guy about something he supposedly did 30 years ago.

Even the new allegations are not all that serious.  So why is the Times pushing this story again?  Most likely, they want to change the subject away from other stories.  Remember that towards the end of last week, it started to look like the Justice Department was about to get an indictment of Andrew McCabe.  We are also about finally to see the report of the Inspector General about the attack by the intelligence agencies and their Democrat allies against candidate, president-elect and even president Trump.  My guess is that the Kavanaugh nonsense is an attempt to change the subject away from those stories.

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