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Thursday, September 19, 2019

This Just In

The NY Times is now saying that the so called "whistleblower" we have heard about in relation to some phone conversation in which President Trump made a (gasp) promise to a foreign leader actually wasn't just concerned with that conversation.  There were multiple incidents about which the whistleblower was concerned (or so says the Times.)

What all this means is that the media
1.  Doesn't know when this happened.
2.  Doesn't know who was involved.
3.  Doesn't know what was said.
4.  Doesn't know what happened.
5.  Doesn't know who the supposed "whistle blower" is.
6.  Is still certain this is a big story very bad for President Trump.

I predict that the Whistle Blower will turn out to be Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

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