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Sunday, September 8, 2019

What's Going On?

In the last few weeks, a lot has happened that can only be described as bizarre.  Here are a few examples:

1.  CNN ran seven hours of town halls with ten Democrat candidates.  That was a strange programming choice, but during all of that seven hours, not a single candidate was asked about the new data from NOAA that shows no warming trend in the USA since the data collection for the project began in 2005.  How do you talk about global warming and fail to ask about the lack of predicted warming?

2.  In the middle of coverage of a serious and dangerous hurricane, the media made a detour to focus at great length on whether or not President Trump misspoke when he included Alabama as a possible target of the storm.  Trump included Alabama about 4 or 5 days prior to when that state would have been hit.  One thing that anyone who watches hurricanes must know is that predicting the path of a large hurricane 4 or 5 days in the future is very problematic.  If Trump was wrong, so what?  The focus of coverage should be on the hurricane, not one whether or not Trump misspoke.

3.  Pete Buttigieg has taken to citing the Bible in his arguments.  He's pushed the idea that Christianity supports a $15 per hour minimum wage.  Seriously, he said that.  He's also pushed the idea that the Bible supports abortion any time up until the delivery of a child.  How sad.  Mayor Pete insults every believer by twisting the Bible into something it isn't.  Life is something that we are all supposed to protect.  We don't protect a child by killing it just prior to delivery.  The strangest thing, though, is not that Mayor Pete said this, but rather than it has gotten very little coverage in the mainstream media.  Sure, Pete keeps falling lower in the polls, but even so, one would think that a major perversion of the message of the Bible merits a mention in the media.

4.  Old Joe Biden has been falling apart before our eyes.  At the CNN town hall on climate, Biden's message was obliterated because he had a blood vessel in his eye rupture on camera.  Biden has been forgetful and confused for months.  And despite all these indicators that Old Joe's health is failing (or at least his mental acuity is failing), he won't release his medical records and his campaign won't even discuss his health on the record.  It's the ostrich method of dealing with a problem.  Biden's health and age is an issue, so he and his campaign stick their heads in the sand.

5.  The US sanctions against Iran are really hurting the mullahs, so French president Macron came up with a proposal under which France would give Iran 15 billion dollars to keep going with the Iran nuclear deal.  Of course, Iran itself announced that it is violating that deal by moving forward with uranium enrichment beyond the level allowed by the agreement.  Supposedly that agreement is still in place between Iran on the one hand and the UK, France, Germany, Japan and Russia on the other hand.  There should be outrage in France that Iran has violated the agreement, but instead we get Macron offering big aid to the mullahs.

6.  In the UK, there was a binding vote of the people a few years back to leave the EU.  Brexit was chosen and since then the political elites have tried to change that outcome.  One would think that by now the British public would be incensed that the politicians are trying to ignore the will of the people.

That's just a smattering.  Things just keep getting weirder.

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