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Monday, September 23, 2019

Shut Down DC?

Supposedly, there's going to be a major effort to block traffic during this morning's rush hour in Washington.  It is being done to protest "inaction" on climate change.  How bizarre.

There are a few things to consider here.

First, in the last twenty years, the only large economy which has made significant progress reducing carbon dioxide emissions is the USA.  That change has continued and accelerated over that time.  Despite the ranting from the enviro-crazies, President Trump's being in office has done nothing to slow the reduction of emissions.  Indeed, the single biggest contributor to the reduction in emissions has been the expanded use of fracking which the environmental left wants to ban.  Only through fracking have we been able to replace the use of coal for power generation with the use of natural gas.  That move alone has resulted in a major cut in emissions.  As US production of natural gas increases and exports of liquified natural gas grow quickly, other countries will also be able to switch from coal to natural gas.  Right now, fracking is the biggest hope of cutting emissions worldwide.

Second, by blocking traffic, the protesters will lead to major traffic tie ups that will generate a huge extra amount of carbon emissions.  It's the old "killing for peace" conundrum.  It's also wholly irrational.

Third, there really is no need for any of this.  As of today, there is no valid scientific evidence that earth is experiencing man-made global warming.  None of the models on which the theory is based have proven valid when tested against the data.

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