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Monday, September 2, 2019

So Much For Background Checks

One big push by the gun control lobby in recent years has been for "universal background checks".  It sounds good.  After all, why shouldn't people who want to buy guns get checked out?  But there's a big problem:  it doesn't work.  The shooter who just shot up Odessa and Midland Texas had weapons.  He also had FAILED a background check when he tried to legally purchase weapons not long ago.  We don't yet have information on why he failed the check, but the point is that he did fail.  Despite that, he still ended up with weapons enough to kill many people and wound many more.

We probably won't hear too much more about the shooter in the short term.  It turns out that like the shooter in Dayton, Ohio, this guy was a far left Democrat.  The media tends to gloss over those people once their politics are disclosed.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not against reasonable gun controls.  I just want something that works to reduce gun violence.  I'm not in favor of virtue signalling.  Laws that let some people talk about how wonderful they are to have done something are a waste of time if they don't work.  Universal background checks are just not the answer.

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