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Friday, September 13, 2019

The Democrats' Debate

As I posted last night, I didn't watch the Democrats' debate.  I didn't think I could take three hours of meaningless blather.  I have now watched the "highlights" of that debate as presented by six different media sites of varying political views.  It seems that I made the correct choice in skipping the event.

1.  As usual, the bogus moment of the night goes to Beto O'Rourke.  I saw his impassioned rant about taking certain weapons away from those who now own them.  It was insipid.  Even as president Beto wouldn't have the power to seize those guns.  And guess what?  Congress will never approve such a seizure.  So the whole thing is a joke.

2.  Joe Biden didn't seem to be able to give a coherent one minute statement on anything.  I didn't see all his answers, but I saw enough of them to realize that Old Joe is either senile or at least has attention deficit disorder.  His answer about whether the quick withdrawal from Iraq that let ISIS form was a mistake managed to talk about all sorts of things other than Iraq. 

3.  Bernie Sanders was still the angry old man.  The funniest line, though, had to be his statement that a plan for healthcare that would cost $30 trillion was the most cost effective plan around.  Right now, the country spends about 4 trillion per year on healthcare, and that is all individuals, companies and the government.  Bernie thinks 30 trillion would be cost effective.  Sure, Bernie.  You've obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

4.  I didn't see highlights from Elizabeth Warren for the most part.  Did she hide?

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