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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Explain This

The latest confusion about Ukraine and President Trump is getting worse.  We still don't have the details and supposedly, Congress doesn't have them either.  The so-called whistle blower (who happens to be a Democrat operative) wrote a letter that hasn't been released.  We do know, however, that this whistle blower didn't hear Trump say anything; he just reported what someone else told him.  In court, that would be called hearsay, and it is not admissible because it is inherently unreliable.  Today, we get an added morsel although no one seems to know where it came from.  Now, some media outlets are saying that President Trump "froze" aid to Ukraine until it agreed to investigate Joe Biden's son.  There's no evidence of that happening, but lack of evidence doesn't seem to matter to Dems who are after President Trump.  Just look at the Russia collusion investigation if you need proof of that; there was no evidence of collusion, but for over two years we were told both that some never disclosed evidence existed and that Trump was obviously guilty.  Neither was true.  But back to today's media view on Trump and Ukraine.  CNN is once again in the forefront of fake news.  In the same article where CNN announces - without any evidence - that Trump froze aid to Ukraine in order to get it to investigate Biden's son, CNN also announces that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden or his son in Ukraine.  There is actual video of Biden proudly telling a group that he threatened the Ukrainian government that he would cut off American aid unless the prosecutor investigating his son was fired immediately.  So Biden actually admits doing what CNN calls wrong doing when Trump is supposed to have done it.  CNN says though that there's no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden.

I truly hate CNN for its complete distortion of journalism.  They don't report facts at CNN; they just make up Fake News.

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