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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Old Joe Relies On The Media???

Old Joe Biden was asked about his involvement with getting Ukraine to stop investigating his son's company while Old Joe was vice president.  His response was that no responsible outlet had found anything there worth reporting and he wasn't going to talk about it.  So Old Joe refused to comment because his media allies won't run the story.

That's an amazing position to take especially since there is video of Old Joe proudly telling a group that he had threatened the Ukrainian government that unless the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company was fired in the next six hours, he would have $1 billion in aid from the USA to Ukraine halted.  The prosecutor was then fired.  So Old Joe himself told that story.

In many ways, all this nonsense about the supposed whistleblower who heard President Trump ask Ukraine to investigate Biden's son's activities will work to get the true story of Old Joe's use of the office of vice president for the personal gain of his family out to the American people.  After all, the NY Times and Washington Post may not want to cover items embarrassing to Old Joe (like illegal use of his office while VP) but they have to explain the whole thing if they try to go after Trump on that point.  Trump, however, did nothing wrong.  Biden, on the other hand, committed a criminal act if he threatened the Ukrainians with American government action in order to benefit his own son.

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