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Thursday, June 4, 2015

If They Can't Even Count on the EPA, Then Who Is There?

For the last 15 years, there has been an ever increasing agitation from the environmentalist left against hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" as it is more commonly known.  We have been told that fracking would result in contamination of drinking water and the destruction of the environment.  The screams from the left have been so loud that New York, which has substantial amounts of natural gas that could be produced using fracking has banned the process.  As a result, billions of dollars that could have flown into the economy of upstate New York has been blocked.  There have been movies made about the destruction of the water table by fracking; just think of "Gasland" or anything starring Matt Damon that deals with the environment.

There never was any proof that fracking caused water pollution, but under president Obama, the EPA has been doing a national study for the last five or so years to finally come up with the data so that fracking could be shut down.  That study is finally complete.  The EPA released the results today. 

The EPA study concludes that fracking does not cause water pollution or damage to the water table.  The bureaucrats at the EPA say that it is possible that there could be pollution if fracking is not done properly, but that is more to satisfy the enviro-leftists than anything else.  After all, almost anything could cause water pollution if not done properly.  For example, recycling of plastics could cause water pollution if the recycling facility dumped the by products into a nearby stream.  In much the same way, an oil well that is not drilled with the proper seals could let oil leak into a stream.  It's like saying that a car built with a leaky gas tank could be dangerous.  They don't intentionally build cars with leaky gas tanks.

So there you have it.  After a decade plus of warnings from the left that fracking will pollute the water, the EPA says that it won't.  Pity the poor enviro-leftists.  If they can't count on the EPA to support their more lunatic positions, then what can they do?


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