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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Putin Again Moves Into the Vacuum

Imagine that instead of Barack Obama, the president of the USA were Ronald Reagan, George Bush (either one) or even Bill Clinton.  Now imagine that Russia (or the Soviet Union) issued a threat to Sweden that if it got too close to NATO, there would be "a military response".  It's pretty hard to imagine, isn't it?  The Russians would never have done that, because they knew that there would be an American response.  It wouldn't have been a military move by the USA, but there would have been a serious price paid in some way by the Russians for threatening a country like Sweden.

Of course, that threat from Russia was made earlier this week, and there has been no response of any sort from the Obama administration.  The Russian ambassador to Sweden Viktor Tatarintsev told Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter that should Sweden join NATO, it would provoke a military response from Russia.  That news was hardly even reported in America.  The media was too busy with escaped convicts in New York, gay marriage and Obamacare to even mention much about the terrorist attacks by ISIS around the world.  The media was essentially silent about Russia threatening Sweden.  Since Obama claims to get nearly all his bad news from the media, he may not even have heard about this latest move by the Russians.

For those who think that this threat is nothing more than some loose talk by a Russian ambassador and that it ought not be taken seriously, one needs to remember that just a few months ago, Russian troops rehearsed an invasion of certain Swedish, Norwegian and Danish areas, the occupation of which would make any operation by NATO naval forces in the Baltic Sea impossible.  So the Russians plan for an invasion, they rehearse it, they threaten an unspecified "military response", but America doesn't even notice.

The sad truth is that the USA really has no leader at the moment.  We have already seen Russia under Putin invade two different neighbors.  Are we about to see the Russians reclaim the Baltic States and the take part of Scandinavia?  Putin knows that he has only 18 months left to make such moves while Obama is in the White House.  Bad things are coming.

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