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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Obama As Victim

Once again, president Obama has decided to play the victim card.  Normally, he or his spokesmen say that he is the victim of racism.  To be precise, the claim is that Obama's opponents are motivated by racism.  In other words, no matter what policy discussions take place, the views of the people who disagree with Obama should be discounted as racist.  And it does not matter what the subject is.  Opposition to Obamacare was racist.  Opposition to the nuclear treaty being negotiated with Iran was racist.  Opposition to tax policies was racist.  All opposition to Obama's views was racist.  Indeed, Obama and his people managed to turn claims of racism into a joke.  We have gotten to the point where the average American no longer cares much about them; the sting of the charges is mostly gone.  Since the president has spent his entire time in the White House fighting opponents by name calling (and lies) rather than actually debating the issues, the loss of the racism charges is hard for him to deal with.

Obama, now has come up with a new way to claim that he is a victim.  Yesterday, we were told that Obama is very offended when people say that he is anti-Israel or even anti-Semitic.  Obama is actually supposed to have told David Axelrod the following:  "You know, I think that I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office."  That's right, Obama's feeling have been hurt.  He's a victim of the mean people who think that letting Iran get a nuclear weapon that it will use against Israel is a bad idea.  Let's not debate the policy pros and cons.  Let's debate Obama's feelings and whether those feelings need to be protected.  And while we're at it, let's realize that the people who criticize Obama's policies regarding Iran and Israel are actually anti-Semitic since Obama is almost a Jew.

Obama really is the worst president of modern times.

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