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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Big Mythstakes

I happened to flip on cable news tonight for a moment or two.  On MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell was holding his 1537th panel discussion of the collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016 and why Trump should be impeached.  Since that was extremely old, I turned to CNN to see what their panel was discussing.  CNN was actually talking about the Hollywood multi-millionaire stars and others who had bribed the way for their kids to get into various colleges including a few in the Ivy league and some others of rather questionable pedigree.  I thought that surprising since CNN is normally all anti-Trump all the time.  Then it happened.  One of the panelists blamed the bribery scandal on Jared Kushner because his position as a White House advisor told these rich Hollywood types that they could get away with buying the future for their kids.  I truly tried to follow the logic, but since the point was completely illogical, I just couldn't get it.  Then the CNN panelist started to talk about the suit by the Asian American kids who sued Harvard for discriminating against them in the admissions process.  The panelist complained that the Asian Americans were acting like they owned these positions.  She then blamed that attitude on President Trump.  It was a complete fantasy, a potpourri of errors and delusion.  It's no wonder that no one watches CNN these days. 

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