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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Second Manafort Sentence

Paul Manafort got an additional three years plus added to his prison sentence this morning by a federal judge in DC.  While this case makes headlines because Manafort was the chair of the Trump campaign for a few months in 2016 before he was fired, it has nothing to do with Manafort's work for the President.  It is for things that happened years before Trump hired him, like Manafort's tax evasion and fraud.  As cases go, this one is a big yawn.

A few weeks ago, a judge in Virginia sentence Manafort to about four years in prison for other crimes (also unrelated to Trump).  The media and the Dems went crazy because they wanted Manafort drawn and quartered as a way to attack the President.  Despite all the shouting, Manafort didn't get a very heavy sentence today; he could have gotten ten years but got only about a third of that.

Hopefully, this will be the last of the news about Manafort.  After hearing for two years how Manafort was going to blow the lid off of Trump/Russia collusion, it is now clear that nothing of the sort happened because there was no collusion to uncover.  Indeed, the big news in the world of investigations this week doesn't even pertain to Mueller or Trump.  We learned that Lisa Paige, and FBI lawyer/agent testified to the House committee that the FBI had wanted to indict Hillary Clinton in 2016 for being grossly negligent in handling classified information.  That felony charge would probably have driven Hillary from the presidential race with the surprising result that most likely Joe Biden would have been nominated and probably beaten Donald Trump.  After all, it was Hillary's remarkable baggage as a clearly untrustworthy crook that cost her the election.  The Obama Department of Justice directed the FBI NOT to indict Clinton, however.  So there you have the Obama White House interfering with an indictment of Clinton, something that were Donald Trump to have done the same thing would be called a major obstruction of justice.  The testimony has gotten essentially no coverage in the mainstream media. 


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