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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hocus Pocus Focus Groupus

CNN is touting a focus group of Democrats it ran that "rejected" Joe Biden as the party's candidate.  The Hill and other mainstream media outlets are touting that rejection as big, big news.  But here's the problem.  The focus group consisted of six, that's right only six Democrats in New York City.  That group wanted someone further left than Biden, someone with a fresh face.  Is anyone surprised that six Manhattan Democrats want a far left candidate?  Does anyone think that CNN of all places selected this small group at random?  Most likely, this is just more Fake News from the premier Fake News Network.  After all, it doesn't take much effort to stack a six person focus group.  Remember, it was then CNN contributor Donna Brazille who slipped debate questions in advance to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primaries.  What makes anyone believe that CNN isn't still trying to stack the deck, this time against Biden.

Let me be clear:  I dislike Biden and think he would be an incompetent president if elected.  Nevertheless, the idea that CNN can pick 6 Manhattan Democrats "at random" and pretend that they represent all Democrats across the USA is worse than laughable.  It's truly insane. 

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