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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Watching the Joeplosion -- And He Hasn't Even Announced Yet

Joe Biden is leading all the polls for the Democrat nomination for 2020, but his candidacy is sinking fast.  The former Veep, who hasn't even announced that he is running, had a really bad week.  The big blow, of course, came yesterday when a woman who was the candidate for lieutenant governor in Nevada a few years back came forward to complain about Biden groping and kissing her backstage during a campaign appearance with her.  Now, this cannot be a surprise to anyone who has watched Biden over the years.  He regularly appeared as the creepy old guy who touched, hugged and kissed woman inappropriately.  He did it as vice-president in plain sight.  This is the first woman of stature to come forward and complain about handsy Joe going too far.  A friend of mine says that many more will likely follow.  I'm sure he's right.

The funny thing about this is that Biden's other truly bad move this week was apologizing for how he treated Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings 25 years ago.  Biden didn't protect Hill from tough questions during those hearings over which he presided.  So now he's apologizing.  In other words, Biden started the week by laying the foundation to show that he's just not exceeding the bar in this me-too era.  That much won't win Biden the votes of activists, but it could drive away more normal voters.  Biden made himself into one of the crazies.

There are just too many people out there who want to destroy Biden's potential candidacy for these stories to die.  Think about it.  Bret Kavanaugh never did anything sleazy, but the Democrat sleaze machine came forward with all manner of horrific attacks.  Biden has a past that all America knows about.  The same sleaze machine, run for the most part by far left activists who don't want Biden, can easily continue a drumbeat about what a reprobate Joe truly is.  It won't matter to them if the charges are true, just that they work.

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