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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Venezuela National Power Supply Off Line in over 96% of the Country

According to reports this morning, the electric power grid in Venezuela is still off line in over 96% of the country.  Most people have lived through power failures, so we all know just how big a problem they are.  But now imagine that you are living in Venezuela where food and other basic supplies are extremely scare.  If you have perishable food that needs refrigeration, the power outage thus far has already pretty much destroyed it.  If you live in a building that has an elevator, you are walking up many flights of stairs.  If you rely on an electric pump to deliver water to your home, then you are now without water.  If you want to learn about ongoing news and you get that on the internet, TV or radio, then most likely you are cut off.  If there is an emergency and you need to call for assistance, by now your phone is no longer working.  In short, in the midst of an already horrible crisis, the loss of power has made the situation intolerable.

So how is the Maduro regime dealing with the power outage?  If you guessed that the regime is trying to fix the power grid and get the power back on line, you would be wrong.  No, according to reports, the Maduro regime is using the lack of power and the disruption of communications to launch a strong attack against those people across Venezuela who support the provisional president Juan Guaido and who call for the ouster of Maduro.  Maduro sees the power outage as an opportunity to literally destroy the opposition at a point when those pesky reporters can no longer show the world what is happening.

The only way to describe what is happening is to point out that Maduro and his Socialist thugs are deranged monsters.  They are using major suffering inflicted on the Venezuelan people to try to solidify their control.  They care only about themselves rather than about the country.

This is really the last straw for me when it comes to Maduro.  Until now, I have supported a hands-off policy by the USA.  No more!  It is time for the USA to intervene in Venezuela on humanitarian grounds.  We ought not stand by while the Maduro regime uses this disaster (which it likely caused itself) to wipe out the opposition.  As a moral nation, we truly have no other choice in my opinion.

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