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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Chelsea Clinton And The Mob

Yesterday, Chelsea Clinton went to a "vigil" in Manhattan for the people killed in the Christchurch New Zealand mass shooting at the mosque.  She was accosted by a mob consisting mostly of angry students from NYU.  They accused her of "stoking the hatred" that was behind the mosque shooting.  In the logic of the angry students, Clinton had promoted Islamophobia by criticizing Democrat Ilhan Omar for her repeated anti-Semitic statements.  Omar, of course, is one of the few members of Congress who is a Muslim. 

This is insane.  Omar pushes hate with her anti-Semitic statements.  She gets rightly condemned for that hatred.  These far left students, however, think she should be immune from criticism just because she is a Muslim, so they condemn that criticism as itself promoting Islamophobia.  Just think how much the parents of these students are paying for these kids to learn to be so illogical.  Who knows, maybe this crowd consists of students who got into NYU because their parents paid off the admissions staff.

Look, I'm no fan of Chelsea Clinton or her family.  I do know that she is right in this case, and the crazy mob is just plain wrong.   

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