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Sunday, March 31, 2019

How Do Dems Deal With This?

A few weeks ago, President Trump issued a declaration of a national emergency regarding conditions at the southern border.  The nearly unanimous response from the media and the Democrats was, "emergency?  There's no emergency."  This is a phony crisis dreamed up by Trump."

The Dems and the mainstream media persisted with this position for week after week.  New numbers were released showing an avalanche of illegals, drugs and contraband pouring over the border, but the "experts" in the media and among the Dems kept telling us the same lies:  "there is no emergency."

Now, the man who was Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, has come forward and spoken on the subject.  Johnson says that there is a crisis at the border.  The level of illegals crossing into the USA is four times higher than the level which he (and the government) considered a crisis level just two years ago.  Johnson says that something has to be done to deal with this emergency.

So there you have it.  The person who would be the leading Democrat expert on the border agrees with President Trump that there is a major emergency at the border.  The media and most of the other Democrats have stopped telling us that there's no crisis, but they haven't yet agreed that there actually is one.  Instead, they are in hiding.

It would be easy to resolve this crisis if the Democrats would just come forward and meet with Trump and the Republicans to come up with a plan.  This is not rocket science.  We need a wall and much better border security.  We need a change to the law that bars those already in the country illegally from seeking asylum.  We need a clarification to the law that requires asylum requests to be made only at ports of entry or at US embassies in other countries.  We need the end to the visa diversity lottery.  We need to protect those who came to the USA illegally as children (the DACA group).  We need to expedite the deportation of those here illegally who have committed crimes or joined gangs.  We also need to have some system which provides a mechanism to allow those here illegally to apply for permanent residency and perhaps US citizenship after an appropriate waiting period and the payment of back taxes and the like.  We need to change the law to grant preference in immigration to those who can help the USA and to end chain migration for anyone other than a spouse or a minor child.  There, I resolved it myself in a paragraph.

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