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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I Had To Do It

I wasn't going to post until tomorrow, even in the face of the Mueller Report and a myriad of other news items, but I just can't let the Senate vote on the Green New Deal recede into memory without a full commentary.  The Senate voted on the measure being pushed by nearly every Democrat currently running for president as well as by the radical chic leftist brigade oh House Democrats.  Do you know how many Democrats voted to support the Green New Deal?  The correct answer is zero.  That's right not a singe senator voted to support the Green New Deal.  Not even the presidential candidates like Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Corey Booker voted for the measure that they claim to support.  There were 57 votes against the measure from a bipartisan group, however.

So how could every Democrat vote against the centerpiece of the party's 2020 campaign?  What reason could they give?  Simple, the Democrats denounced the vote as a Republican trick.  They couldn't denounce the language of the proposal because the measure simply quoted the language used by the Democrats when they released the Green New Deal as a proposal.  No, the "trick" was because the GOP didn't hold hearings on the Green New Deal before putting it up for a vote.  Some trick! 

The truth is that Dems realize just how idiotic and politically toxic being tied to the Green New Deal really is.  They're not ready to commit political suicide by actually voting for this measure that they claim to support.

In the annals of stupid, this has to be among the top ten blunders of all time.  There's just no way for the Democrats to explain that they proposed and pushed the Green New Deal and then not a single one of them voted in favor of it.

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