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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

House Democrats Announce New and Expanded Amnesty Bill

In the next installment of the kabuki theater which qualifies for "debate" about illegal immigration, House Democrats have announced a new and expanded version of the so called Dream Act.  This would grant amnesty and a short path to citizenship for close to three million people in the country illegally.  The original name for the new bill was the Democrat Instant Voters Act or DIVA.  (But of course, I am kidding.)  The joke, however, is funny because it unveils the true purpose of this new proposal.

There is no chance that this bill will pass absent a comprehensive immigration agreement that includes full construction of the wall, a change to chain migration, an end to the diversity lottery and changes to rules for immediate deportation of those who are NOT from Mexico.  Indeed, there is adequate evidence that the Democrats don't really care about the so-called dreamers.  During January of this year, President Trump was willing to trade help for the dreamers for funding for the border wall.  The Democrats felt that it was more important to fight Trump than to help the dreamers, and they rejected that offer.  Now, they are attempting to convince those who now doubt their commitment to helping the dreamers by putting forth this bill which they already know cannot pass.

Just for once, wouldn't it be nice if the Democrats would actually try to solve some of the problems facing America rather than devoting all their efforts to positioning themselves for political advantage?

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